IIoT service & maintenance platform Big-LinX

The IIoT service & maintenance platform Big-LinX from ADS-TEC Industrial IT is a versatile and scalable tool for the remote maintenance of machines and systems, as well as for more extensive IoT applications. The result – a smooth production. Machines, plants but also different types of equipment such as terminals and industrial PCs can be monitored worldwide from a central administration.

Big-LinX offers therefore customers future security in many respects and the portal grows with the needs of the customers. In this way, the digitalisation of a company can be constantly expanded. Technology 100% Made in Germany.

Advantages of Big-LinX
• Secure & stable access to machines & systems worldwide, from anywhere
• Reduction of expensive machine downtime due to preventive and direct measures
• Collect and visualise machine data for a quicker overall view
• Carry out maintenance work in areas of risk without cost intensive travel and risks
• Put your machine into operation without being at the machine
• Improve your maintenance intervals with no additional personnel
• Extended machine lifetime due to optimised remote maintenance concepts
• Design your own IIoT platform without any specialist IT skills
• X-secure concept: the plug&secure security concept