
Guest Wi-Fi access is crucial to improving guest , visitor, and shopper experiences in retail, hospitality, and at large event venues. Together with our ExtremeCloud Appliance, ExtremeGuest provides secure guest onboarding and analyt ics for dist ributed organizat ion, as well as enterprise campus deployments. It has become a compet it ive necessity for organizat ions to not just provide network access, but to engage visitors with special offers and personalized incent ives. In-store shoppers, for example, expect great WiFi experiences to search product reviews and compare prices online. They want to share pictures with friends online before they decide on a product. ExtremeGuest is a robust and comprehensive guest engagement solut ion that enables retailer, venue operators, and hospitality managers to use analytical insights to engage customers with personalized engagements. For example, knowing how many customers enter the store, how often they visit, and how much time they spend are all metrics that can be measured through ExtremeGuest. Analytics of social networking behavior of customers can be used to increase pat ronage and expand brand exposure.

Centralized and Integrated

  • Provision and manage access across multiple networks


  • Support for up to 10 million users

Easy and Flexible

  • Single Login with Social ID/ SMS
  • Intuitive navigation
  • Responsive UI


  • Social media usage
  • Device analytics
  • Comprehensive reporting


  • Site specific splash pages
  • Unlimited # of dashboards
  • Store manager view